
This fall we welcomed six interns into the fold. They are fantastically talented and we can't wait for you to meet them. First up: Jared, Michelle, and Brandon.

michelle jared brandon luke for blog

jared for blog





Jared Broddle is from Lenexa, Kansas. He loves animation for being a seamless blend of art and technology that results in something truly beautiful. In 10 years he hopes to be working as a lead at one of his favorite studios. If Jared were an animated character, he would be Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion. More than anything, he hates bad driving and low fidelity music. Jared could live on Taco Bell and wants everyone to know that he loves KU basketball, building computers, and listening to vinyl records. See more from Jared on his website.

michelle for blog





Michelle Lin is a Concept/Storyboard intern from Texas. She loves animation because it combines everything she loves about art: filmmaking, storytelling, characters, music, and more. In 10 years, Michelle hopes to be adventuring. If she were an animated character she would be Mei from Totoro so that she could ride the Catbus. Michelle hates the dentist, and could live on waffles and fish tacos. She would like the world to know that she is overly fond of bad puns and cat GIFs, and she loves the color teal. Find out more about Michelle on her blog, her Instagram, her twitter, and her portfolio.

brandon for blog




Brandon Lake was born and raised in Los Angeles, but he left the sunshine to come be a Stage intern. He has always been into storytelling - movies, books, story-time at the library, he couldn't get enough. In school he sought to recapture some of that excitement through his own work, and found animation to be the place where he felt the most creative freedom and inspiration. In 10 years he hopes to own a home and be working in animation, directing his own shorts on the side. "Don't stop my dreaming with your foolish 'reality' and the 'crippling debt of my student loans," he says. Brandon has modeled his life off of Skeeter Valentine. More than anything in the world, Brandon hates the suffering and exploitation of children. He could live on bread and bread products. "Carbs are my bread and butter." Brandon wants everyone to know that he loves music in all its forms, and he believes you should dance no matter how stupid you look. "A finger-pointing, hip-shaking twist, with a firm overbite, is a sign of someone who knows how to have a good time." You can see more of Brandon on his website and his vimeo.

luke and brandon for blog