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Hourly Comic Day

Hourly Comic Day

by Britt Appleton

Saturday was Hourly Comic Day, a tradition started in 2001 by Scott McCloud OR in 2005 by John Campbell. It's difficult to tell. The goal is to draw a quick comic each hour that you're awake. I took the challenge this year, as did Vera Brosgol and Graham Annable over in Entertainment. As you will see, I don't quite make it. Cheers to Vera and Graham for going all the way.


Drawn by Britt

Drawn by Britt


TREATS comic Every workplace has its quirks. This particular workplace is pretty fascinating. (There are puppets everywhere.) In our new series: Drawn by Britt, I'll be documenting the idiosyncrasies of LAIKA/house in comic-form.

Who am I? I'm Britt, and I'm the new Brand Coordinator. I have a huge sweet tooth, so I'm on a constant lookout for treats. I've realized that the best way to find the treats at LAIKA/house is to listen for footsteps, be everywhere at all times, and never ever leave the building. I left the building once and I missed the birthday 15.

So, stay tuned for more comics as I learn my way around this place, and even more once I know everything. (Give me about 30 years. So many puppets!)